
Since 2014, the Kyoorius Creative Awards have honoured and recognised creative excellence across the Indian advertising, marketing and communications industries. 

Presented by ZEE, the Kyoorius Creative Awards is an ethical and neutral platform designed to judge work purely on its own merit. This translates to a non-hierarchical award structure. There are no Golds, Silvers or Bronzes.

The Elephant remembers the work, even when the rest of the world forgets. Rightfully considered to be a symbol of being the very best, the Elephant literally carries weight. 

Addressing the pain points of our entrants and the award ecosystem has always been our mission. Globally, Kyoorius was the first to initiate an open and transparent judging process. Every year, we’ve fine tuned the awards to reflect the realities of the industry.

Important Dates

15 January 2025
Call For Entries

3 April 2025
First Chance Deadline

17 April 2025
Last Chance Deadline

24 April 2025
Judging Begins

24 May 2025
KCA25 Awards Night

How Much Do You Pay?

  • We are excited to announce our expansion into South Asia! KCA is now inviting award entries from Bangladesh, Bhutan, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, and the Maldives, celebrating the creative work from across the region.

  • Making people smile and laugh is a mammoth task. The Use Of Humour subcategories acknowledge the challenge, and seek to reward work that not only connects with audiences on an emotional level, but also fosters a deeper connection with brands.

  • The Creative Use Of Artificial Intelligence category has been tweaked to reflect the ever evolving use of artificial intelligence in advertising and marketing communications.

  • Celebrate outstanding creativity in the advertising and promotions of products and services that are offered by businesses to other businesses for use in their operations.

  • Presented by Indian Creative Women (ICW), the ZEE Equality Award will award Purple Elephants to honour creative work that navigate the complex interconnections of identity, power, and representation, thereby challenging structural inequities and advancing a cultural narrative that champions diversity, equality and inclusivity.

Everything You Need To Know
The 10-Step KCA25 Journey











The Kyoorius Creative Awards follow a comprehensive multiple-round judging process, where jurors base their decisions on three criteria.

In the categories relating to craft, work is judged first on the strength of the craft, then on how it contributes to the success of the idea.

All decisions pertaining to judging and winning are solely the responsibility and onus of the jury.

The Jury

The Judging Criteria

  • The idea is the foundation of a great piece of work. The judges will look at the strength of the idea in terms of its originality, in whatever shape or form it may be, as it’s subjective. But they’ll also ask questions such as “Has it generated a new perspective on an old problem? Has it added something new to the advertising industry, and the world, at large?”

  • The test of a great idea lies in its execution. Have you brought out the full potential of the idea? Does the craft raise the overall level the idea? And is it well produced for the mediums it’s meant for?

  • For any piece of work to be impactful, the context of the culture, the product, the environment and the time it’s been created in is extremely important. Is it resonating with the people it was made for? And is it fit for the purpose that it was intended?